The winter with average temperatures but low rainfall exacerbates the water shortage caused by the 2021 drought. Spring was delayed by low late winter and early spring temperatures, which caused a late vegetative start, especially compared to previous seasons. Thanks to this delay, frosts did not damage vegetation but the very low water supply limited vegetative vigour. The green manure, which was mulched in early April for Vigna dei Sospiri and bedded on the Sangiovese of Vigna di Casa Vecchia (the latter being the first vine to bud). There was very little rain until the end of April. As spring ended without any significant rainfall, the summer was also characterized by an almost total lack of rain. In July the cistern well where rainwater is collected and the Satriano ditch dried out completely, treatments were completed with aqueduct water which was also used to water the rooted cuttings planted as replacements in 2022 and 21. The choice was made to protect the soils from the heat with a mulch created by allotting green manure and leaving it in ground cover without being chopped and buried. The scarcity of rain, however, created low compaction of the soil, which did not have to undergo passages with high humidity and was therefore preserved without splitting until the harvest. In this particular year, therefore, minimal tillage was opted for (allurement of green manure without chopping and burying and only one harrowing in the autumn). The dissimilarity in ripening was even more evident than last year, caused by a dissimilarity in sprouting/budding and flowering, as well as a different water availability between the upstream and downstream parts of the vineyard. The harvest began as has become customary just past mid-August with the picking for the sparkling wine bases, compared to the usual, the Sangiovese harvest for Rossofongoli was then slightly postponed, the whites being the varieties that suffered most from the water shortage because of harvest before the September rains. The dissimilarity of ripening in the whites was exploited to obtain fragrance and acidity from the greener grapes and structure and mustiness from the riper ones. For the red grape varieties, Sangiovese was the one that suffered the most from the drought by virtue, as in the case of the white grapes, of the harvest before the autumn rains, the grapes from the older vineyards were particularly interesting from a qualitative point of view and in quantities in the norm, thanks to a deep rooting of the older plants with more spaced planting sixth the mustiness was guaranteed by the rains that fell between September and October. For white wines, therefore, the traditional choice of producing fresh white wines was favored by the dissimilarity of ripening; however, the water shortage caused a significant production loss as it resulted in reduced grape mustiness. The same can be said for Sangiovese as for the white grape varieties, but for the other grape varieties, with relative surprise, it was a vintage with good production and excellent quality so much so that reserves and Fracanton were also produced. A small quantity of Fracanton Selezione was produced with light drying of the grapes. The Rossofongoli was vinified with 50% uncrushed berries.


The winter season was characterized by a regular rainfall in line with the average. The strong jump in temperature at the beginning of spring brought a frost in the month of April. Initially underestimated, the frost damaged the buds most of all with the Sangiovese; less so for the later budding varieties. During the spring there was scarse rainfall - through the summer into late September there was no rainfall of any note - a constant wind kept the humidity low. Following this trend towards an extreme climatic dryness, the cover crops we sowed gave a late start to the mulching and tilling. Given the lack of water in the soil we uprooted and turned the cover crops and as an exception, for the first time, we also worked the soils a of the non-cropped rows (trans note - normally every other row is sowed with nitrogen-giving and soil-opening plants and the other left bare) in Vigna della Fonte, Vigna Veterana Trebbiano, Vigna Letizia e Vigna dei Sospiri. We’d prefer to not touch the soil but we worked it to lessen the splitting of the soil and evaporation. The response of the soils to this was great - the plowing allowed the roots to seek the deeper parts where they could find some water and oxygen. The lack of water reduced the vigor of the canes but it never caused the leaves to yellow.
The harvest of the whites began the 3rd week of August.
The grapes were in very good condition and surprisingly huge; the older vines and Sagrantino were harvested in October as usual.
The season ended with a big drop in overall quantity, most of all with the reds particularly Sangiovese, but with great quality, however. The reds have a vibrant color with no signs of oxidation, while the whites contained their color and thanks to the earlier harvesting a low ph. We tried to limit the skin contact both for the whites and the reds. The aroma and structure of the whites given the season are in line with the past few years, for the reds more work was done to create a more ready-drinking wine - Rossofongoli and Bicunsio - and for the Sagrantino we need to wait a year before a definitive response, for now they are very interesting in nose and structure.


The early spring was dry with not high temperatures, heavy rainfall between May and June, then was followed by high temperatures from July to September. After good vigor of vegetation we then saw a fast ripening that led to the now customary start of harvest in August with white grapes, excellent ripening of red grapes due to favorable autumn trends.


The winter was poor of rainfall; the feature of the season, however, was in May, with heavy rains and low temperatures throughout the month. The resulting vegetative delay was made up by the month of July thanks to strong temperatures and absence of rainfall. September and October temperatures were as in the tradition of "october" warm and favorable for ripening. The year 2019 saw the beginning of experimentation in the vineyard to assess biodiversity and the resulting "level of naturalness" with the monitoring of insect species and indigenous and alien plant varieties present.


Winter rains in February rebalanced the water balance after the 2017 season, high temperatures in April caused an early vegetative growth, in May and June temperature values and rainfall were above average causing high moisture values resulting in loss of production especially due to downy mildew attacks. Temperatures were extremely hot in the period between the end of July and August and on the whole will be so for the entire year, water requirements were again balanced by deep tillage and flexible management of green manure, wild grasses and surface tillage adapting to individual vegetative needs and seasonal trends. However, a decline in production was evident.


Winter rainfall and vegetative start in line with seasonal averages, spring was characterized by an exceptional frost in April (exceptional in that given the location of the vineyards in terms of exposure and altitude it is a very rare event) that caused a fair amount of production loss. Rainfall in the normal range and interment of green manure with grubbing up of resting rows. Particularly dry and hot summer resulting in grapes ripening earlier than average causing further yield decline. Grape ripening for aging wines is partially rebalanced by fall rains that allow for longer harvest times, grapes destined for whites and rosé are harvested unusually early to ensure proper acidity (white wines follow the style of the 2015 vintage) and balance with not excessive alcohol content.


The winter was characterized by absent rainfall in the first period and then regular rainfall with mild temperatures; spring, on the other hand, saw evenly distributed rainfall and sunny days, the high madie temperatures triggered an early onset of vegetation causing a loss of production following late frosts in April. The lushly grown green manure was mulched and buried in spring with subsequent grubbing always of the fallow rows in early summer. The summer season with average temperatures and regular rainfall allowed good progression in grape ripening, thanks also to good development of the aerial part of the vines. Grapes for wines without maceration were harvested in the traditional periods of early September as well as grapes for aging wines were harvested from the 1st to the 3rd decade of October.


The winter season was characterized by excellent rainfall, spring saw excellent sunny days and constant ventilation that supported biodynamic practices especially in favor of Sagrantino, which needs very low humidity especially during the flowering and fruit set periods. The low value of relative air humidity also characterized the summer, regular rainfall and mild weather throughout the autumn period ensured the season's exceptional quality and at the same time above-average production. Above all, the quality of red grapes destined for aging was excellent thanks to the balance between sugar ripening, acidity and polyphenolic ripening; white grapes were harvested for the first time unusually early (last days of August) in stark contrast to tradition in order to fructify the acid thrust and characterize the white wines with a new style based on freshness of aromas and ease of drinking.


Winter in the norm for the season but spring characterized by weather with low temperatures and intense and frequent rainfall that forced for the second year an intense defense work with frequent micro doses of copper along the lines of what was done in the 2013 vintage, however, it was not possible to save the Sagrantino that in large part will be destroyed due to downy mildew. The green manure was bedded in mulch and mowed at several times to ensure some water absorption and prevent organic soil runoff, almost nonexistent runoff was noted despite the steep slope of the land thanks to deep tillage that allowed excess water to be drained without causing damage. For this vintage it was preferred not to vinify pure Sagrantino but only Montefalco Rosso, good quality of white wines, below average production.


Winter and Spring were characterized by constant rainfall that forced constant work in heavy soil conditions, working rows were used for defense and when these became unserviceable, green manure rows were used, making the work of burying organic matter and aerating and decompacting the soil partly in vain for this season. Late Summer and Fall in the normal range allowed a regular harvest with good quality white wines and red wines characterized by greater freshness and floral aromas. Vintage with below-average production.


The winter season took place with low rainfall and low temperatures. Cold return for spring however characterized by weather with average temperatures and low rainfall. Summer continued with high temperatures and humid winds, vegetative development was optimal and developed a good ripening curve, helped by rains in the autumn pre-harvest period. Like the 2011 season good opportunity to work according to biodynamic techniques. Harvesting of white grapes begins in the 2nd decade of September and as per tradition extends until the end of October for red grapes for aging. Season that similarly to the previous one marries the characteristics of Sagrantino that is exalted in the late harvests with polyphenolic ripening that develops hand in hand with the sugar ripening.


The beginning of the season is characterized by good water availability in winter and spring, with optimal rainfall distribution for defense and vegetative development. Overall good possibility of working with biodynamic techniques also for the characteristics of Sagrantino. The season turns out to be one of the most productive ever while guaranteeing extremely high quality, especially for the red wines for aging, which are characterized by excellent balance and complexity.


Winter weather was particularly mild with above-average temperatures and plenty of rainfall. The spring and summer seasons took place with temperatures that were not high and abundant but not excessive rainfall, Since mid-August the climate has been disposed toward above-average temperatures and scarcity of rainfall enough to rebalance a season that was severely lagging in vegetation. The possibility of lengthening the harvest time of the red grapes for aging allowed to optimize the polyphenolic ripening, The white grapes were harvested in September from the II decade, the style of the wines basically follows the characteristics of the 2009 season.


Winter was both warm and rainy and cold at times, equipping the soils with good water reserves. Spring was regular with temperatures in the normal range and regular rainfall without concentrated showers allowing good agronomic management with temperate tillage. Good vegetative development and regular grape ripening. The summer was initially held with temperatures without peaks and regular rains, late summer and autumn with traditional octobreaks that optimized ripening with a season balance in line with ripening and harvest timing with the best vintages of the last century. The style of white and red wines fully reflects the classic style of wines.


Winter temperatures were particularly mild with little precipitation, while spring with the start of vegetation was characterized by rainfall and below-average temperatures that caused a delay in phenological stages and a fair loss of production caused by downy mildew. The summer season, on the other hand, was maintained with temperatures in the average range for the period and low rainfall. Late summer and October with cool temperatures and tramontana winds allowed optimal ripening of grapes destined for aging wines.


The season trend is overall very low in rainfall and with above-average temperatures. The older vineyards show, as in 2003, the importance of a root system capable of exploring deep into the soil. The wines in spite of the difficulty of the season show themselves to be balanced although with high gradations.The white grapes are harvested in the first half of September. The trend of the season is on the whole very little rainfall and with above average temperatures. The older vineyards show, as in 2003, the importance of a root system capable of exploring deep into the soil. The wines despite the difficulty of the season show balanced although high alcohol contents, the white grapes are harvested in the first half of September.


Winter was characterized by low temperatures and low rainfall, with spring and early summer following in the same vein with mild temperatures and low rainfall; July and August, on the other hand, saw heavy rainfall and low temperatures. Dry and warm late summer and autumn allowed the late ripening to catch up. Thanks to the excellent quality of the red grapes for the first time a skin contact of more than thirty days is also tried in steel fermentations of Sagrantino grapes only, given the excellent result this procedure will become the norm for Sagrantino in the most favorable vintages.


The early season was characterized by low rainfall and high temperatures from May until the end of July, causing an early vegetative growth. From August to October, rainfall was quite heavy with below-average temperatures. The balance of the vintage saw the older vineyards prevail in terms of balance and complexity, the abundance of moisture in the ripening period did not deeply affect the concentration adding important aromatic expression.
Cantina Fongoli
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